Thursday, September 11, 2008

Women Who Support McCain/Palin

Dear friends,

What am I missing? Why are women supporting Sarah Palin? I am married with children and I am wondering what women who are planning to vote for Palin are thinking!

First of all she thinks this war in Iraq is God ordained. Last I checked, Jesus never said anything about going to war. In fact, as I remember it, he often spoke about loving thy neighbor. That isn't a big one for the Christian right, I know, but Christ himself did issue this commandment.

Another thing, who among you doesn't have a dear friend who has been in a horrible position and has had to consider, if not have, an abortion? Yes, yes, I know. It's easy to judge. And I was very judgmental myself as a youngster--then I got pregnant out of wedlock. Did I abort? No, I gave my dear son up for adoption, and though I know it was the right decision, I will always suffer for loss. However, walking this walk taught me a lot. And going through this heart wrenching experience has taught me that there are no easy answers to such a difficult situation. It is easy to judge, but difficult be the one who has to make the decision. Again, there are no easy answers. Though I did not have an abortion myself, I support my sisters' right to do what is necessary in the circumstance. After all, abortions will happen anyway. At least if abortion is legal, it will be safe. Please, please, please, do not vote for McCain/Palin. It will be a nightmare for women. We need respect and independence, not some turn coat who has sided with the right wing men!

1 comment:

Pons Asinorum said...

Dear Merry Wife:

Perhaps we can (mostly) all agree that when a baby is born, at that moment without qualification, a human being “starts”. But when does a human life actually begin? A more relevant question might be when, if ever, does a fetus become a human being: the first division of embryonic cells, the first body movements, the first brain activity, the first heart-beat, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester?

Nobody knows. The best scientist and scholars in the world cannot prove definitely when human life starts.

It comes down to a matter of belief.

A pro-life position is either: yes, the fetus is a human life or not certain, but the fetus should be protected as though it is a human life.

A pro-choice position is either: no, the fetus is not a human life, or not certain, but the mother should make that decision.

If we exclude the positions of the “yes” or “no” people as irrelevant, we are left with an agreement on the facts but a disagreement on the solution.

A mother who chooses to abort and one who chooses to have her baby both made the best decision that they could (at least that should be the presumption). Both decisions are morally defensible based on the current state of knowledge.

All moral people (pro-choice and pro-life individuals) believe murdering human beings is wrong.

Both Senator McCain and Governor Palin are pro-life, but neither intends to overthrow the law, nor do they intend to change it (as evidenced by examining their records). They both have a morally acceptable position (just as Senator Biden has a morally acceptable pro-choice position). These are not dishonorable people.

Senator Obama holds a morally indefensible position, as he believes (as evidenced by his limited voting record), that a baby once born can still be killed provided the birth of that baby was the result of a failed abortion.

The candidate that holds the most extreme view is Senator Obama.


Pons Asinorum

PS: I wish you and your sister well.